their story begins nearly two years ago when sarah began her first year at st. stephen's university and alex his second year; sarah, a beautiful vegetarian from manitoba, and alex this amazingly kind guy from ontario who wore absolutely crazy pants one might only find in a really badly made 80's film. by february, just before alex was to leave for a two month study abroad term with his class in south east asia, alex and sarah confessed their mutual affections. fast forward to this fall, just weeks before sarah is about to embark on her own south east asian study abroad adventure, alex pops the question and sarah accepted.
it was great fun and real privilege photographing them. their super fun, adventurous personalities coupled with their deep affection and respect for each other was the perfect combination for creating images that capture dynamics of their relationships. and, individuals and couples like sarah and alex are one of the reasons i love photographing people! their smiles are genuine. and the images where they are looking into each other's eyes or laughing while holding hands are so intimate that i felt at times that i was imposing on something very special... it is a gift to be able to capture these moments for people, and i am honored.

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