in march 2011, a group of six students and faculty from st. stephen's university will be heading to kenya as part of the international studies program. in short, students will be applying the knowledge they have gleaned in the classroom, and "assessing various missionary and NGO partnerships in and around Nairobi, Kenya – trying to understand principles and practices for effective development in the majority world." the cost for each participant is $3500, over and above what they will pay for their winter semester's tuition and residence fees. thus, fundraising is under way in hopes of raising enough funds to lighten the financial burden to the brilliant students who have committed their education to understanding how one might practically offer support to developing nations in a way that is culturally sensitive.
this coming saturday, november 20th, ssu will be hosting a lobster dinner, featuring locally caught fundy bay lobsters, lois craswell's delicious desserts, live music by ssu's own ariel smith, and both a live and silent auction of items donated by various businesses and community members throughout the charlotte county (you can see a list of some of the items up for auction by clicking here). i have been given the privilege of decorating the dining room at park hall for this event. a task i wholeheartedly accepted and have had fun planning for!!
what i am even more excited about, though, is my contribution towards the silent auction - i have donated a one hour portrait session to be auctioned off! and to prepare for this i needed to come up with some appealing "packaging" since there is really nothing tangible about a photo session until after the pictures are done! so, i have created a small "poster" to frame and display along with the folder of information, which the lucky bidder to takes home!
so, call shelley (ssu's travel coordinator) at 466-1781 to reserve your ticket for a minimum donation of $25, and come bid on a few wonderful items for a worthy cause! and who knows, maybe we'll get to collaborate on some fun photos for you and your family or partner!!!
also, you call shelley if you wish to make a donation yet are unable to attend the dinner!
here is the poster i created (i love photoshop!)...
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