i am so excited to share these photos of my very good friends: brent, gwen, nathaniel, benjamin and joseph! i first met the bilsky clan over three years when brent, gwen and their two boys (at the time) came to st. stephen to visit gwen's parents and to check out the university. my first actual encounter with them was when three year old nathaniel introduced himself to me. it went something like this:
nathaniel: hi, my names nisaniel. what's yer name?
me: hi nathaniel, my names shannon-may.
nathaniel: hi shannon-may, it's nice to meet you.
oh my heart. i've been hooked ever since. and the more i hang out with brent and gwen the more i am so glad to know them. brent challenged me academically and was my nemesis when we were in classes together. i recall one time his disappointment that i was not in attendance for one of his seminars because he knew i would find something to argument with him about! gwen is a kindred spirit... you know what i'm talking about right? that person whom you know you have to be friends with because they are just too cool, wonderfully transparent and real, and an absolutely joy to be around. i often remark that just fives minutes hanging out with gwen can turn my frown upside down! i think, however, what i most enjoy about brent and gwen is them as a couple, and how they model marriage. i have told both brent and gwen that when i meet that special guy that is worth hanging onto we will be hanging out with brent and gwen all-the-time because i want a marriage like theirs: based upon friendship, honesty, trust, respect, faith, fun and sacrifice. they are just good people... and i good on and on and on about them!
it was so much fun doing this photo session with them... cold at times but so worth it! we started out in their family's living room, moved into the backyard to the ginormous pirate ship play fort that brent built and then onto the ganong nature park.

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