
Sunday, October 24, 2010

marketing: new blog!

i have been searching around the internet, stalking and admiring the blog designs and functionality of other professional photographer's sites (sometimes drooling over them) in effort to customize a blog that fits my own style and personality as a photographer. i envisioned a blog that was fun, sophisticated yet casual, and where i could write my thoughts and share my photography. the blog that i have used until now was good but not great; it was simple but i was limited to featuring only one photo and had little control over the font style and color, and background. i like things to be aesthetically pleasing, clean, simple... i wanted a blog that would communicate my style as a photographer through every aspect not just the images i share. thus, after following link after link after link, and playing around with different options available to me i discovered a blog site that was right under my nose the entire time, and found it to offer all the design options i desired!!

i hope you enjoy the new look and have fun perusing the various pages! i have "imported" most of my previous blogposts, and even added new photos to some!!

please check back often for new posts! and please, PLEASE feel free to offer feed back on the new blog, look, functionality etc...

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