
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

personal:: good friends

i am a native of Vancouver BC... well not Vancouver exactly but how many of you know where Langley is? anyway, living in St. Stephen, NB means that i am living on the opposite side of Canada from my family, and the friends who have known me my whole life. i am happy to be here - this is a choice i made after many, many sleepless nights during my final year of university as i thought ahead to post-grad life. i determined that staying in St. Stephen close to the academic community i have come to know and love, and many good friends that have become family was how I wanted to spend the next year as i figured out post-grad life and move into the next academic phase of my life (should i continue to pursue my studies). however, this does not mean that i miss my family and friends any less. in fact, the last few weeks as i have sought to balance working full-time in a lovely little eco shop in Saint Andrews, build a photography portfolio, and set up a new home i have found myself longing for the company of old friends and my family, who have always been amazing support and willingly helpful hands when i am in transition or feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life. so, when i received an email a few weeks ago from my best childhood friend Jill in which stated that her parents - who have known me since I was an infant - were going to be visiting the East Coast for six weeks and wanted my contact info i was overjoyed!!

Don and Colleen met me in Saint Andrews last weekend and we spent a lovely day together walking through the town, down the pier, chatting over lunch (at The Gables), watching the kites fly at the kite flying festival, and meandering through the gorgeous gardens at Kingsbrae Gardens. it was a beautiful day, and for a time i was able to miss my family and friends a little less. thank you Don and Colleen for bringing a bit home to me! It was a great day and I hope to see you both for a final visit before you head back West.

The featured photo is a shot  I took at Kingsbrae Gardens - you really should check this place out before the season is over!

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