
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Food for Entrepreneurial Thought

If you are not familiar with TedTalks then I suggest you familiarize yourself asap! I was first introduced to this organization in my second year of university and regularly revisit the website when I am looking to be inspired, encouraged, challenged and convicted. Most videos last about twenty minutes but the ideas presented linger forever. 

Since moving into my new apartment I have been listening to a few talks a day while unpacking, making myself breakfast or just needing the company of a pleasant voice. Yesterday I was all about listening to talks on finance, forcing myself further in the mindset of investing for the future. Check this one out...

Today, however I have been listening to the same talk on repeat, trying to sort through the brilliance of 

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon's talk on women entrepreneurs. The facts, reflections and ideas that she presents has me remembering the various discussions I came across while researching for my undergrad thesis (I wrote about gendered occupational segregation) and the often "ugh" feeling I would have reading article after article written from a victim voice, disregarding the leaps and bounds society made with women and the achievements of our humanist mothers made! I love the language that Tzemach Lemmon uses, one of empowerment rather than entitlement, one of survivor rather than victim. She is realistic about the conditions of women in the countries she references but she focuses on the examples they are for half of the world's population and reacts against the popular thought that successful women are just exceptions!

And, as a women entrepreneur myself, I found this TedTalk very inspiring - empowering myself to keep striving until I reach my goals, create new goals and to use my strength within! And that when my colleagues and clients alike see this, they will more confidently invest me!

If you have twenty minutes, I highly recommend this video!

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