
Thursday, July 28, 2011

all packed up.

the car is loaded. i just need to locate my ear buds and to pick up a bottle of wine. and i off to a camping adventure for the weekend. it's been three years since my last camping trip, thankfully this one is only three nights in a tent versus two months!

but... as i was packing the car this morning the thought occurred to me: what is so desirable about packing up our homes to go a live outside for a period of time? what is so attractive [for a holiday] that requires sharing public toilets and showers, cooking outdoors and washing dishes in not so clean conditions [that you'll end up having to wash again when you get home], and fighting to fall asleep admits the sounds of other campers sleeping [snoring, babes crying] or partying!?

i suppose it's the nature. the waking up to the sounds of the wind in the trees, the sound of the river rushing and the birds and woodland creatures chattering [sounds so romantic doesn't it?].  or perhaps it's the back-to-the-basics living that one ususally embraces when camping. or it's simply something different to do that forces one to get outside herself and her daily life to just be.

i think for me, when i think about camping and my experiences camping, what i find most attractive about the whole idea is the company of friends. i associated camping with friends, with spending time with them, playing games, going for walks, cooking together, eating together... simply being together for an extended period of time.

what about you? why do you think camping is such an attractive holiday?

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